How did Double Vision get its name?
Double vision was the name given due to my recent troubles with my eyesight (Diplopia), we named it jokingly but it really stuck when the trail was divided between the two dig crews and we started to see the difference in vision for the trail.
This is your first lead on a Volunteer build project despite working as a crew member on many other trails previously. How did this compare?
I thoroughly enjoy anytime I can get involved in trail work, it has been my passion for the past 8 years or so. Working in the Adventure Park was an awesome experience, I’m proud to have been part of such a huge and influential Project. The work the volly’s do is really crucial to the development of the trail network and it's reassuring to see so many people that are pushing to make CAP a must ride location!
The track has some pretty cool and unique features compared with other parts of the property - what drew you to this part of the hill?
It's been on the radar for quite a while, the issue was always entry under the cliff, there was only one route through and it was covered by head-high slash from previous logging operations. The work the team put into clearing the slash was truly monumental! But we powered through and it opened up so many more opportunity’s.
What’s your favourite specific feature?
The cave would have to be my favourite feature! Definitely the cave! As soon as we saw it we knew we had to utilise it, and its so much fun combined with the chute, that section came out so good! I cant ride it without smiling! What is really attractive about this area is that it is so sheltered and doesn’t suffer from the wind as it sits so deep into the valley, the sun doesn’t really strike the aspect for long periods and can remain damp for much longer than the more exposed areas of the park, this made digging the trail far easier than previous builds, and Hopefully, this will allow it to pack and not succumb to the infamous summer powder.
We had a couple of really significant rain events over winter, obviously, loess soils are challenging to work with from an erosion, sediment control standpoint - how much is this considered during your marking, scoping, design and build phase?
Paramount! Each step of the planning process was assessed to ensure we were taking every precaution to minimise the impact on the landscape, surrounding and downstream of the trail. The gradient was reduced and grade reversals were incorporated to slow riders down entering trail features. It's reassuring to look at how trail building has progressed over the years to be more mindful of the environment.
Looking back at the Queens Birthday weather bomb it really didn’t cause any damage to Double Vision, we were initially expecting the worst however its location meant the weather passed over with little more than a fresh dump of needles, hopefully, it can continue to escape these windy wet days and keep riders entertained for years to come.
Lastly, you’ve had heaps of awesome support from others on this project - how do you balance all the different personalities and visions?
Trail building can be very subjective with each rider drawing enjoyment from differing aspects of the sport, we found that allowing each of the team to take a lead with a feature and helping sculpt their vision has created the diverse and challenging trail we see today, Working together provides a way more satisfying outcome for all.
This year I drew on a totally new team, some familiar faces that work in house and some local rippers that were keen to pick up a spade and give it a go. Matt (Westie) West, Will Downs, Will Austin, Johnathan (Rob) Mortimore, Miguel Valino, And Anton (Deer Man) McGeachen, were our weekly fixtures without the continued effort rain or shine from these guys none of this would have been possible, likewise, the second crew led by Nick Sutcliffe, Tim Prebble, Richie Goldsbury were the reason this project happened!
- Check out the 'Full Trail Preview'
- Check out the 'Cave Section' (Opening wknd)